Talent Discovery

Product Marketing Landing Page Redesign


CareerBuilder collaborated with Decoded Advertising to launch a new brand that emphasized the human element of the industry through the use of real-life photography, striking brand colors, and an approachable tone of voice.

The task at hand was to revitalize the product landing pages to align with the new brand while effectively highlighting the features and benefits of the product to attract potential users. This required a comprehensive redesign that incorporated the new brand's elements, created a clear message, and improved the user experience on the landing pages.

My contribution

Art Direction

The team

Creative Director
UX Director
Product Marketing Manager




To revitalize the product page, we followed a two-step process. Firstly, we conducted a joint analysis of performance metrics with the Marketing Manager and UX Designer to identify areas of content that could be optimized based on user engagement patterns. Our goal was to create a clear focus for users to quickly identify the benefits, features, and primary call-to-action to request a demo.

Secondly, we designed a clear and effective hero layout that emphasized a primary call-to-action, showcased value through client logos, and presented benefits information in a visually appealing format with upselling strategies. Our key challenge was to improve the visual consistency and direction of the page to communicate the value proposition of the product to users effectively. By following this process, we hoped to improve the user experience of the product page and increase user engagement and conversion rates.


After undergoing several design iterations, CareerBuilder's leadership decided to shift the company's focus, which led to a pause in the development process. Nevertheless, the team's work in designing a foundational layout prepared the company for future implementations with notable efficiency. As a result, the team estimated that development time would be reduced by 50%.